These are old news related to the BUGS project, if you want to see the most recents ones, then please click on the link below:


  • 07/02/2007
  • For over 3 years this website has not been updated and it was time to give it a face lift!

    It is actually quite astonishing to think this website has existed since 1998, 12 years! I guess I am getting older, my hair are getting greyer and there is less of it! One thing that hasn’t change though is my interest in Cryptography.

    Because of a busy professional life in the IT Security world I haven’t been able to work on the BUGS algorithm for many years. However, I have recently completed a Master in Information Security at the London Royal Holloway University. I logically chose to work on a cryptography subject for my Master Thesis. This allowed me to spend some time back on the BUGS algorithm and, for the first time, learn some cryptanalysis techniques!

    The main subject of my thesis was to give an “Overview of Modern Symmetric-Key Cipher Cryptanalysis Techniques”, as such after a general introduction on cryptography and cryptanalysis I focused on two main cryptanalysis techniques: Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis
    Finally, I started to conduct a cryptanalysis of my BUGS algorithm. Although I still haven’t conducted a full cryptanalysis on BUGS, my early tests seem to indicate the BUGS algorithm, may show some weaknesses if not used with its default settings. On the other hand it seems to be quite secure when default settings are used . However, I would need to pursue those tests further to prove this is correct.
    In the process I have also highlighted what I believe could be a new type of cryptanalysis attack:
    Unrestricted XOR-Sum Uniqueness Cryptanalysis attack
    At this stage this is just a suggested new type of attack and more work is required to find out if this attack is indeed possible and if it offers any value!
    So here you have it, this is what I will try to spend some time on in the coming months/years:
    – To conduct a full cryptanalysis on BUGS and publish the results
    – To investigate my new type of cryptanalysis attack

    • 07/02/2007

    New BUGS email address: (old email removed)
    Because of Spam, make sure to do the following:
    – Remove the “_REMOVETHIS” from the email address
    – Add “[BUGS]” in your email subject

    • 07/12/2006

    New BUGS Documentation: BUGS Cryptography Documentation v-5-1.doc
    After spending a week doing a cryptography course at a London University I decided to update by somewhat outdated BUGS Documentation. The new documentation is much more accurate and describe in much more details how the algorithm works, along with many different diagrams. My current work doesn’t let me much free time to spend on that algorithm, but I am still happy to support it and improve it.
    Because of all the spam I receive, if you want your email to be read, you must include the following in your email subject “[BUGS ALGORITHM]”

    • 17/09/2003

    New BUGS Unix TGZ Package: bugs-4.1.1.tgz
    New BUGS Unix SOURCE RPM Package: bugs-4.1.1-0.src.rpm
    New BUGS Unix BINARY RPM Package: bugs-4.1.1-0.athlon.rpm
    New BUGS Windows Package: bcrypt4_1_1.zip
    Those new packages have new documentation and contact information
    The Unix package has a new and improved blogin application
    I am now generating RPM for the unix package.
    I will try to create a new windows application. The current one has a buffer overflow when displaying the HELP. This is only a minor issue has it does not impact the core application: file encryption.
    I have updated my CV
    I have updated the Reference Section

    • 15/09/2003

    It has been a year since I have updated this webpage. I will update it in the coming month. I have a new Unix package that will be soon available, no much change except for the blogin aplication. Stay tuned! For any feedback please do not forget to add [BUGS] in the subject of your email.

    • 26/07/2002

    New BUGS Unix package and Library: BUGS v 4.1.0
    This version corrects a problem with glibc > 2.2 and a minor problem in bpassdel apps.
    I have updated few other things as you can see in the Unix History and in the Library History
    I will be porting this new Library to Windows soon, however the changes are not relevant to Windows.

    • 24/07/2002

    YES! this site is still alive. After nearly a year without any updates I am back on the BUGS project and this website.
    Last year has been extremely busy for me, as you can see in my new CV / RESUME .
    I am still working as the “Global Security Administration and Monitoring Manager” at BP

    I am going to update this website more often and I have also noticed that some of my unix applications do not compile anymore on the new 2.4.x Linux Kernel. I think I know why and will be updating the Unix Package soon.

    I have also changed hosting company, there is now some interesting STATS available.

    Thanks all for your support and interest in the BUGS project all these years… Welcome back!

    • 08/08/2001

    I now work for one of the top 5 company in the world. I am the new International Security Administration and Monitoring Manager. Long job tittle indeed ;o)
    This job won’t be as technical as my previous ones, but nevermind, I’ll still be programming in C++ for BUGS !
    I have no idea when the next update will be. I am now really busy, but if you report a bug I’ll release a quick fix.

    • 06/07/2001

    Back to London (UK) !, the american dream didn’t go as planned, nevermind I will try again in few years !
    I am now in the process of starting a new job in London, I should be able to update BUGS soon, but so far no problems have been reported.

    • 03/04/2001

    The company that brought me to Los Angeles is having difficulties and, as many H1-B visa holders, I have started to worry about my future in the US. If you are looking for a Unix administrator specialising in security or a Unix system developper (C/C++, perl, C-Shell script) then you should have a look at my RESUME here .

    I would consider any job offers in the state of California, I am really motivated and this BUGS project is a good example of what I am able to achieve. You can contact me by email at xxxx or xxxxx

    • 17/02/2001

    Minor Web Site updates

    • 16/02/2001

    NEW BUGS Web Site ! If you want to tell me what you think about this new web site please feel free to do so. Special thanks to T. Martinez who helped me in the design of this web site.
    For the first time there is the source code of the WINDOWS version available in the download section. I should have done it months ago.
    There is also a new package, with only the BUGS library source code.
    New Unix Package: 4.0.1. This new version corrects a minor compilation problem on OpenBSD2.8
    This web site is now only available in English. I haven’t got the time to translate everything in French. If you want a French version then ask me.

    • 15/02/2001

    I am testing the new web site, I’ll upload it tomorrow.

    • 12/02/2001

    The new web site is nearly ready !
    Working on a new Unix package

    • 10/02/2001

    Starting a new web site…

    • 23/11/2000

    New Windows Version: BCRYPT 4.1
    There is an extra option and a minor GUI bug correction.

    • 22/11/2000

    A message has been posted on different cryptography newsgroup giving a BUGS ALGORITHM OVERVIEW.
    I invite you to read it as it should be pretty easy to understand.

    • 19/11/2000

    New UNIX version: bugs v4.0.0
    New Windows version: BCRYPT 4.0
    New Contest BUGS Contest #3
    You can look at the CHANGES LIST
    This new version is an important change and offers much more dynamic options!
    The new cryptography library BUGS v4.0.0 is NOT compatible with the older version
    There are loads of changes and improvements, this library is much more powerful than the previous one. The source code is much easier to read !

    Simon Huot managed to crack the old password generation algorithm (he still hasn’t managed to crack the file encryption algorithm). It seems it would be better to do not use the Random Seed (prob seed in the previous version) when using BUGS as a pasword generator.
    This only affects Unix users using BUGS as a password generator.

    The new version corrects the problem :O)
    This will probabely be my last version for few months, because:
    1) I can’t carry on like this, programming until 3am every night and go to work the next day. I have now done that for almost a year !
    2) With this version BUGS has reach its maturity
    3) I will soon go to work to the USA in California.

    • 24/10/2000

    New BUGS Library: v3.5.3
    New UNIX version: bugs v3.5.3
    New Windows version: BCRYPT 3.1
    The new documentation corrects a lot of errors and gives more information about the BUGS algorithm.
    The new library corrects few minor bugs and has got a new algorithm to generate cipher text in ASCII mode.
    The new UNIX version contains the new library and documentation.
    The new Windows version as well but also corrects many BUGS.

    • 03/10/2000

    New Unix version: bugs v3.5.2
    On some OS, the filenames sent as a parameter to the different applications could be wrong.
    New Library version: v 3.5.1
    New Unix version: bugs v3.5.1
    New Windows version: BCRYPT 2.5
    This update corrects a Windows compatibility BUGS in ASCII mode.

    • 01/10/2000

    New Library version: v 3.5.0
    New Unix version: bugs v3.5.0
    New Windows version: BCRYPT 2.4
    There is now a new feature in the Library allowing you to produce cipher file in ASCII format. You can therefore copy and paste in an email.
    The new Library also corrects a bug with the power level 3.
    The new Unix Package implements this new feature.
    The new Windows Package also implements this new feature but also corrects minor bugs.
    New reference, Security Focus,
    This web site well known in the computer security field has selected 7 times the Unix BUGS package in their top 6 security software.

    • 30/09/2000

    New Unix version : Bugs v3.4.3
    This version corrects a bug in the interactive mode of bcrypt and bchat

    • 28/09/2000

    Added the new BUGS official logo on this Web Site.
    This logo has been designed by Florent Martinez

    • 26/09/2000

    New Library version: v 3.4.1
    New Unix version: bugs v3.4.2
    New Windows version: BCRYPT 2.3
    Few Minor bugs corrected and addition of the official BUGS LOGO.

    • 20/09/2000

    New Windows version: BCRYPT 2.2
    Few Minor bugs corrected.

    • 19/09/2000

    New Unix Package: Bugs 3.4.1
    New Windows version:BCRYPT 2.1
    There is also a NEW contest: BUGS CONTEST #2 with still 50 English pound to win but with much more information given away !
    Few changes in the FULL report documentation as in some browsers there were some problems to display the images.

    • 17/09/2000

    New Cryptography library: Bugs 3.4.0 also available for Windows
    New Windows package available : BCRYPT 2.0
    New Unix Package: bugs-3.4.0
    New References: Le monde, Observatoire SA
    Nobody has still managed to break the BUGS Cryptography algorithm and the contest is still up and running !

    • 09/08/2000

    Windows version now available ! (Beta 1)
    This is the first beta version of a windows application using the BUGS algorithm. It has been created by T. Martinez.

    • 03/08/2000

    New BUGS version: BUGS Library v3.3.1 and BUGS unix package v3.3.2
    This version corrects minor bugs in testscript,bcrypt,block and bunlock applications.
    The windows version is going really well and you should expect it by the end of the week.

    • 01/08/2000

    Some people said that the current contest, with only one cipher text as information, was nearly impossible to complete. Therefore, because we want this contest to be a “real world” simulation, we have decided to give away more information, it should then be easier for you to crack the BUGS algorithm.
    Please look at the CONTEST WEB PAGE for more information.
    There is then a new BUGS version, BUGS v3.3.1, with the extra contest information.

    • 30/07/2000

    BUGS v3.3.0 Available !!
    A contest to crack BUGS has now started, the prize is 50 English Pounds, please look at the CONTEST PAGE for more information.
    Small changes in the library correcting a small issues. There are 3 new applications in the Unix package: block, bunlock and bmore. These applications allow you to crypt a file really easily, without entering any parameters, except a filename ! And the bmore application allows you to decrypt a file only in memory and display it on the screen. This is really useful if you don’t want to keep crypt/decrypt a file, it is like a “secure more”
    The Windows library is now working well, it is available in the download section.
    A first windows beta application will be available early next week.

    • 21/07/2000

    BUGS v3.2.0 Available !!
    Importante upgrade regarding encryption compatibility between plateforms.
    This version is not compatible this the previous ones.
    This upgrade corrects a compatibility problem with systems using “big endian” (Sparc/Solaris) and systems using “little endian” (x86/Linux).

    • 20/07/2000

    The version 3.2.0 should be available tomorrow. It will be an important upgrade.
    This version corrects a compatibility bug between Solaris/SPARC and Linux/x86 (ENDIAN).
    Some speed enhancements have been performed on the library which won’t be compatible with the previous version. However all the futur version WILL be compatible with the version 3.2.0
    The windows library is ready and the applciations should be available next week.

    • 16/07/2000

    BUGS V3.1.0. New version of the BUGS Algorithm !
    This new version offers extra compatibility with Windows and corrects some bugs in the Unix applications. But the BIG new feature is the new random function using ISAAC as its default RNG
    This new version of BUGS should also provides a higher compatibility with BSD systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD)
    The Library windows port has been successful and some beta version are already being tested.
    The Windows version should be available within 2 weeks.
    PLEASE READ THE NEW LICENSE. All the applications are now Open Source and GPL

    • 14/06/2000

    Within 10 days about 600 people downloaded the new BUGS v3.0.0 Unix package.
    An article in a french magazine ( internetactu ) and the fact that BUGS has been listed in the 6 top tools of a security mailing list #45 ( www.securityfocus.com) helped a lot !
    The work on the windows version carries on.
    So far the feedback received has been really positive.

    • 03/06/2000

    BUGS V3.0.0
    The new BUGS cryptography algorithm is ready and available !
    Only the unix version is currently available, we are working on the Windows port.
    The cryptography library should be available soon on windows.
    Here is the new version of the BUGS WEB page, as you may have noticed this has moved it to : www.bcrypt.com . You may also want to have a look at the parent company : www.encryptsolutions.com .
    Enjoy, this new revolutionary cryptography algorithm !

    • 18/05/2000

    The new cryptography library is finished. The first Unix beta version is ready since last week, some beta tester are currently testing it. I still haven’t implemented a new random generator as I can’t find a powerful and free random generator. Anyway, changing the random function is really easy… once I would have found a better one !
    I wrote a draft version of the new documentation highlighting the new features
    I am now working on the Windows version and try to finish the documentation. I am thinking of adding a new program for the Unix package.
    Once I would have received feedback from the beta tester I’ll publish the new Unix cryptography package: BUGS 3.0.0
    If you are interested in testing my algorithm, please contact me now.
    This is almost finished !

    • 17/04/2000

    Right, it still going well. I’ve finished one the new probability seed functions, only one more to go !
    The new library is now 95% finished.
    I expect to have it finished by the end of the week.
    The Unix bera version should then be available before the 28th of April (one week later than expected)
    Let’s go back to work !

    • 04/04/2000

    It has been a long time since I made an update on this Web site, sorry !
    This means I am really busy working on the new algorithm. It is going well, the reason why I am late is because I’ve added some new options and made it even more powerfull. I evaluate the work done at 90% on the cryptography library. I could already release a beta version but I prefer to finish the library first. I do apologise for the beta testers if I didn’t tell them why no beta version where published. But as I said I am working every night on this algorithm ! I just need to implement 2 new functions (the new probability seed functions) and its done !
    I don’t want to say too much right now… I prefer to finish it and you will judge by yourself ! ;o)
    Ok, so let’s try to give you some dates:
    Within 2 weeks there will be a unix beta version (I yet have to decide if it will be only available to beta testers or if I will put it on my web page). This package will include the library and the application to crypt files
    End of April: Second Unix beta version, which should include a beta version of all the new applications (I would quite like to do a secure chat app using my algorithm… but I am alone on this project and I am working full time !! so we’ll see !)
    End of March: There will be as well the first Windows beta version of the algorithm and the file’s crypt app.
    Expect a new web site soon as well… and some surprises ! :O)
    Thanks for your support ! it’s really helpful !

    • 10/02/2000

    The first Unix beta version of my new algorithm should be finished this week end.
    If you want to be a beta tester please let me know !
    I expect to finish this project for Unix at the end of March and for Windows at the end of April.
    My email address listed on this page was WRONG !!! Please note my 2 emails address:

    • 19/01/2000

    I am working every night on this new algorithm, it is going well. I have finished testing the new key generator and everything seems to work fine. The first part of the “file’s crypt” algo is done and works. I am starting now the most difficult part: The new file’s crypt function. I think I will have the new algorithm and its application ready within 2 weeks. I will do some intensive testing and then compile the library on Windows within 1 month. I will try to post some news on this web site quite often (at least once a week).
    Oh ! one last thing, I am going to update my CV …

    • 10/01/2000

    That is now 2 months I am working hard on a new cryptography algorithm. I have finished the algorithm designed and started programming last week end. This is going pretty well and pretty fast.
    The new algorithm will be similar to the current one regarding the way it works. But it will be much more efficient and secure !!
    The new key generator is done, I need to do more test on it though…
    I will be working on the new “crypt file” algorithm this week.
    I hope I’ll finish the new version within 2 months.
    I don’t know yet if I will post some beta version on my home page, if you want this or if you want to be a beta tester, please send me an email.
    Let’s go back to work ! ;o)

    • 01/11/1999

    NEW UNIX VERSION : 2.0.1
    Only minor changes, but still worth a download. I am now working on an enhanced algorithm, a new documentation and a new Home page. This should be done within 3 months.

    • 25/08/1999

    NEW UNIX and LIBRARY VERSION : 2.0.0 !!!!
    It’s done ! it is now really … early in the morning, I have finished all my testing for the Unix version, everything seems to work fine. This version has got a new cryptography library which only corrects few minor bugs. The main enhancements are in the cryptography applications which come alone. The apps are easier to use, and “virtually” bugs free !.
    I really wanted to implement a new random function in the cryptography library but I haven’t got the time now. I thought the changes in the apps were so important that I had to release a new version anyway.
    I will work a on a new random function and few other improvements for the next version (probabely for this winter).
    I will also try to update the windows version within 2 months.
    The reference page has been updated as well. I am setting up some statistics to know what kind of domain name access to my cryptography home page. If you don’t want your domain name to be in these stats, just use one of the “anonymous WEB site” available on the net.
    This month, the most interesting domain name which has been on my cryptography page is:
    PENTAGON.MIL (Hello ! ;o)
    Any feedback is welcome, have fun ! :O)

    • 02/08/1999

    I have been working really hard the last few weeks on a new version of my cryptography package !
    The UNIX Package is almost finished, as I am just testing it. There are a lot of new features in the different applications. There is also a new version of the cryptography library which should correct few minor bugs and have a new random function.
    The new package, BUGS-2.0.0, should be available before the end of August.
    I am also working on a new Windows version.

    • 23/04/1999

    The 1.2 version seems to work fine and nobody has still succeeded to crak my algorithm
    which is now a bit more than one year old !.
    I am going to write a better documentation about my library which should make it easier to use it in your applications.
    I think I will create a new version of my cryptography librarie within 6 months.

    • 01/11/1998

    New version of BCRYPT: v1.2 !
    I have corrected a bug in the GUI, really importante upgrade !
    I am not continuing the enhanced version anymore. If you still want me to continue to upgrade the enhanced version, please contact me.

    • 27/09/1998

    As I am now working, I have slow down a bit the project.
    The great news of this month is that my Windows version of my cryptography applciation (BCRYPT) has been published in a french news paper WINDOWS NEWS in october. (it should also been published in 8 others news paper, even in the UK).
    But the most important things is the fact that there is a link on my cryptography project at the AMERICAN DEFENSE DEPARTMENT :
    (Please check this link, indeed I gave the actual US NAVY home page but the article about my cryptography algotithm is may be now in the WEB archive of this site.)
    Nobody succeeded to break my algorithm, even after 6 months !
    A lot of people contacted me, thanks to them ideas and comment I am going to do another version of my windows application to create a better interface.
    I am also going to write a documentation for the cryptography DLL as even if the doc given in BCRYPT 1.1 should be enough, it is quite difficult to understand how to use it !

    • 23/05/1998

    The english WEB site does not exist any longer, this WEB site is then now the OFFICIAL BUGS CRYPTOGRAPHY PROJECT SITE.
    New version of the Unix package is now available : v 1.8.1
    Only minor changes can be found (easier compilation under BSD OS, etc)
    Some links have been updated.
    Please not that now I have only ONE email address : [email protected]
    I will not be able to frequently read my emails within 2 weeks.

    • 09/05/1998

    Some links have been updated.
    The project source code is now available in the “download” section.

    • 06/05/1998

    The Cryptography project report is now available, it consists of an overview of the actual cryptography, the different cryptography standard, an explanation of my algorithm.
    You can look at it online.
    You can dowload the WORD 97 format or the HTML format
    The Unix application is now available on the SUNsite ftp site : http://www.sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/crypto/
    The Windows application (enhanced version) is now available on the winfiles WEB site : http://www.winfiles.com/apps/nt/encrypt-file.html
    3 French newspapers published a small article about my project :
    The electronic french newspaper LMB (Num 102), contents or article
    “Le virus informatique (Num 7)”, http://www.virus.ldh.org/
    Preventique informatique, contents or article
    With the only log I could have access, there are about 2000 persons who downloaded the applications in 2 months (09/03/1998 -> 06/05/1998) and 80% of them downloaded the Windows application.
    The more interesting internet adresses who dowloaded this cryptography project are :
    This is now nearly 2 months I started the test of my project applications on the internet (Official date : 09/03/1998). I posted an email in the “cyberpunks” mailing list (cryptography geeks).
    I received a lot of feedback from all around the world : Russia, Spain, France, UK, America, etc
    Someone sent me an email recently, telling me he studied my algorithm and found some weak points. In fact, it seems that these weak points are all avoid by using my “probability” algorithm. And anyway, NOBODY succeeded yet to crack my algorithm.
    However, I may do another version to avoid the few weak points present in the standard algorithm.
    After these 2 months, I am really suprised about the evolution of this project, I never thought that my algorithm could last such a long time without beeing cracked. I also never thougth that so many people would be interested by my applications.
    I want now to thanks all of you who support me !


    Below are the changes history for the BUGS cryptography library

    — V 4.1.0 —

    26/07/2002: – Added an extra check in misc.c to know what fpos_t
    type the system is using. It can be a an integer
    with glibc inferior to 2.2 and a structure with glibc superior to 2.2
    I have also added an extra header “fpos_t.h”

    — V 4.0.0 —

    19/11/2000: – mem_seed() and file_seed() do not use the
    first cipher key as it can be used by the shuffle
    I was already doing that with the prob_seed fuctions
    so there were no reasons why I shouldn’t do the
    same with the standard seed functions.
    – I’ve corrected the most stupid and annoying bug !!!
    I don’t know how, but somehow I must have deleted
    a variable initialisation (i=0) in bstream()
    just before calling prob_mem_seed() this was giving random
    errors as ‘i’ was not initialised !! I’ve spent all
    sunday morning + afternoon fixing this problem !!!
    do you know a better way of spending a sunday ?
    hum… let me think… no ! I can’t see anything
    better to do !!!!! grrrrr…

    18/11/2000: – Corrected a stupid problem with power = 1
    I was using pos_crypt and not pos_crypt_write to
    write the cipher data ! This bug was also in v3.x …
    This was only happening if you were using a custom
    block crypt and power = 1, stupid…

    17/11/2000: – Tried all day to change the way I handle the prob_mem_seed
    I think I should allow block crypt to be smaller than
    the varinit->NB_CHAR
    But during my testing I had some segmentation fault :O(

    16/11/2000: – It seems there is a problem in prob_mem_seed()

    15/11/2000: – Optimised code
    – Corrected minor bugs

    14/11/2000: – Optimised code
    – Removed the “bits” parameter from long_rand() and lfsr()
    as it is now in GLOBALVAR: varinit->NB_BITS
    – added the SHIFT division used only in bcrypt_swap() to
    GLOBALVAR: varinit->NB_SHIFT

    13/11/2000: – Finished to clean up the code, it took more than 4 hours
    tonight !!!

    12/11/2000: – Replaced the circular shift in code() and add() by
    long_rand() instead.
    – Carried on cleaning up the code.

    11/11/2000: – Added bssl()
    – Tuning

    10/11/2000: – Corrected a bug in brand()
    When using varinit->RANDOM = 0 the SEED never changed
    and the random number generated was always the same.
    I am now using the long_rand() to change the SEED.

    09/11/2000: – Added a new parameter to bstream() : PARAM_KEYFILE
    you can now sent a keyfile as a parameter for this function
    the same way you do with bfile()

    08/11/2000: – Updated the ASCII_MODE to v04.
    This version will ignore any character different from
    0 -> 9
    A -> F
    This brings a much more robust ASCII MODe, as noe even
    if you do a forward of an ASCII encrypted email and
    your mail program automatically adds “>” it will
    still be possible to uncrypt such a message !
    – Created different MASK in bstandard.h to use with
    globalvar->MISC in order to enable or not the dynamic
    round, modulo swap, shuffle, key buffer.
    This algorithm is REALLY dynamic now !!!
    PLEASE NOTE that now, to stop the algorithm you need
    to do: globalvar->MISC=1; and not anymore =666
    – Renamed globalvar->STOP to globalvar->MISC as you can
    now specify much more options within this signle variable
    – Added a Dynamic Key Buffer options
    – Added a new variable to globalvar:
    where you can specify the number of KEYS you want to
    store in the seed() key buffer.
    – Changed the way I was initialising the **pass_buffer in

    07/11/2000: – spent all day trying to compile the library on windows…
    it eventually worked at 3am…
    I can’t stand windows programming !!!!

    06/11/2000: – The new library does not compile on Windows !
    (what a surprise)
    I spent hours to figure out why…
    I think I found the problem.

    05/11/2000: – Key dependancy in the seed functions finished !
    Now, 32 keys are generated at the beginning of these
    functions and stored into a buffer. Then 2 keys will be
    pseudo randomly selected from the buffer, XOR, and the
    result will be used to seed the file/mem. Then the
    key which just have been used will replaced one of the
    2 keys used to generate it. Then 2 more keys will be
    selected (it can’t be the last key added to the buffer)
    to generate a new key, and the process starts again.
    That, is powerful :O)

    04/11/2000: – Started to program a key dependancy in the seed functions

    03/11/2000: – Bits operation affect both bits (Left and Right). Before
    I was only doing a logical operation on the “left” bit.
    – Dynamic modulo: The modulo for the swap window in
    bcrypt_swap() changes in function of the key generated.
    – Dynamic number of round: now the number of round can be
    100% higher than the number of round sent as a parameter.
    By default, round = 2, so the algorithm could double this
    value, depending of the key generated. 2 <= round <= 4
    If you specify round = 5, then 5 <= round <= 10.
    – Renamed the “complexity” variable to “round”

    02/11/2000: – Splited up the library code into 6 .c files, it is now much easier to read !

    — V 3.5.3 —

    24/10/2000: – Added a stop option in the bcrypt_add()
    When generating a big key a lot of number are generated
    and without this “stop option” you could wait a long time
    before the function stops. Now if you set varinit->STOP = 666, the bcrypt_add() will stop.

    23/10/2000: – Major change in the ASCII MODE !
    I am now using Hexadecimal numbers, the cipher files are
    therefore much smaller than before.

    – Changed the Keyword in the ASCII MODE.
    I am not using the lib_version anymore as this caused
    compatibility problem when updating the library.

    – Added Error warning in bkey_generator()

    — V 3.5.2 —

    21/10/2000: – Removed many compilation warnings:
    . binit(): random file initialisation
    . varinit was never initialised, it was not needed but it
    was generating annoying warnings.
    . Wrong information displayed in the bcrypt_add()

    – Added Error check in bcrypt_read_hide()

    — V 3.5.1 —

    02/10/2000: – Fixed a Windows compatibility problem with the ASCII mode.
    When you send an email with very long lines
    (at least with outlook express)
    each line is broken up to a certain length and some
    hidden characters are added at the end of the line: ‘\par’
    I haven’t got a clue why on earth outlook does that !?
    It took me some time to find out this problem and it
    is now fixed.

    – Changed the starting FLAG for the ASCII mode and replaced
    spaces by underscores: [BUGS_v351_ASCII_MODE_STARTED]

    — V 3.5.0 —

    01/10/2000: – Fixed a problem with power=3. I was always working as
    if I was using a probability seed ! therefore couldn’t
    decrypt any file which were crypted with this power !
    This was a stupid bug, but I only did a lot of test with
    the maximum power (4). Adding the ASCII mode made me
    discover this bug as I had to test all the power level !

    – Added an extra option in bfile, this allows you to generate
    an ASCII output.
    If choice = 2: the crypted result will be converted in
    If choice = 3: you can decrypt a file which as previsouly
    been crypted with choice = 2
    I’ve done this option because the crypted result is
    by default an unsigned char, you can’t send by email
    unsigned char as they are going to be automatically
    converted to SIGNED char. Therefore with this ASCII mode
    the crypted result will be converted into numbers. You can
    send this ASCII result by mail !

    — V 3.4.1 —

    26/09/2000: – Fixed problem in bfile() where I am doing 2 tests for
    closing or not the files used by the library. The test
    was ignored and the files were always closed.
    This could have potentialy be a problem if the source
    file = destination file.

    – Removed useless variable initialisation in bstream,
    bcrypt_test, bcrypt_add.

    — V 3.4.0 —

    17/09/2000: – First attempt to do a progression percentage of the
    library work. This is really basic and the varinit->PROGRESS
    could even be sometimes >100 but at least that should
    give you an indication that the library is still
    working and is not frozen.

    – There is a new parameter in binit(), its a string used
    to specify the error log file. If you send an empty string
    the error log file will be automatically set to bugslib.log

    – I now initialise the varinit->STOP to 0 in binit()

    – Added a flag to the library: _LIBCRYPTDLL
    this is for windows compatibility.
    in libcrypt.h I check if I am using the header to compile
    the library (if the _LIBCRYPTDLL flag is defined) or not.
    if not the RETURN_TYPE will be (dllimport) rather than
    (dllexport). Well… only windows programmer can
    understand this !

    — V 3.3.2 —

    07/09/2000: – Corrected typos when checking if BCRYPTLOG != stderr.
    I used Kedit to replace this statement by the new one
    and sometimes it repeated the statement 3 times !
    It was not really a big problem but not very “clean code”.

    – Added Errors check for missing files in write_hide()

    – Added ‘\0′ when I was backing up a file on write_hide()
    as it could result in a wrong filename otherwise.

    – Added Errors check in bkey_gnerator()

    — V 3.3.1 —

    02/08/2000: – Changed the default TYPE_INT from long to int
    this is because on some 64 bits system, long are
    64 bits.

    — V 3.3.0 —

    30/07/2000: #8211; Major change in bstream() to make it compatible with bfile()
    bfile() read data from a file and reverse the characters,
    for example the following data file “abcd” would be stored
    as follow: dcba. This is true with “Little Endian” system
    which is the default mode I choosen for BUGS. Therefore
    I had to reverse the string sent to bstream() to make it
    compatible with bfile(). Why on earth someone has invented
    Little and Big endian !?!?!? ;o)

    – Minor change in bstream(), cleanup redondant code

    — V 3.2.1 —

    29/07/2000: – Noticed that there is maybe a difference in the way the
    encryption is done between bstream() and bfile()

    28/07/2000: – Minor change in bfile(), cleanup redondant code

    25/07/2000: – Renamed the BIGENDIAN variable to BCRYPT_ENDIAN as
    windows didn’t seem to like this variable name.

    – Added extra output information when using -v (mode = 2)

    – Added comments

    — V 3.2.0 —

    20/07/2000: – Found why there was some incompatibility between crypting
    on Solaris/SPARC and on Linux/x86. This was an “endian”
    problem ! It took me a long time to find out this
    problem ! it was because I never heard about this kind of
    problem before. It is the way the computer stores data,
    if it pushes bytes from the left or from the right.
    Thanks to comp.lang.c I have got a small test which
    detects if the computer use “Big-endian” or “Little-endian”
    I have modified the way I was doing a fread() and fwrite()

    – Created 2 new functions: bcrypt_fread_int() and
    I now call these function instead of the standard fread()
    and fwrite() when I store data in integer.

    – Minor modification in read_hide() and write_hide() to
    be able to use the 2 new function described above.

    – Removed the varinit->MAX_INT, I am now using a LOGICAL OR
    rather than doing a multiplcation % MAX_INT. Therefore
    the algorithm is not compatible with the previous version.
    I think it is better this way !

    – Added a new variable varinit->PROGRESS which should show
    the progress while crypting/decrypting.

    – Soon I may be able to sleep early and have a life ;o)

    — V 3.1.1 —

    19/07/2000: – Corrected an error in meme_seed_prob() when I was storing the
    random number in the file. This problem should have raised
    some segmentation fault as I was getting items in array at
    indexes such as -1,-2,etc. Only in certain condition of
    course. Nethertheless, neither Linux,SunOs,Windows reported
    this error !!!! amazing…
    I found this error by tring to find out why SunOS/Linux
    encryption seems to be uncompatible !

    – Removed useless information message regarding the
    Maximum standard random number

    18/07/2000: – Changed output message for the bstream()
    as it was reporting the same messages than bfile()
    (“Crypting File in progess” instead of “Crypting Stream”)

    — V 3.1.0 —

    16/07/2000: – Changed some errors messages in bfile
    – New parameter in binit for the RNG selector
    – Added a seed initialisation for the RNG using
    /dev/urandom or /dev/random or time()+clock()
    – Added a new parameter in globalvar: STOP
    if you set this variable to 666 it will stop the library

    15/07/2000: – Improved the buffer in isaac()

    14/07/2000: – Added a new funtion brand() which handle the different
    RNG functions.
    – Added a buffer to isaac()
    – Added a new variable in varinit: SEED
    which will be used as the initial seed in the RNG

    13/07/2000: – Added new random function: isaac()
    – Added a new variable to varinit (RANDOM) to choose the
    random number generator (RNG) that will be used during
    the crypt process

    03/07/2000: – Corrected minor errors detected with the Windows C++ compiler
    – Added an extra function in order to create a Windows DLL

    — V 3.0.0 —

    18/05/2000: – Minor change in the errors output
    – Added some parameter check regarding the KEYLENGTH

    08/05/2000: – Finished to comment and tidy up the code.
    This algorithm is ready for testing !!

    07/05/2000: – Right… I’ve decided to do not change my algorithm
    to be able to crypt/uncrypt the same data with
    what ever width int type I was using.
    The reason for this is that
    1) it would need a lot more work than expected
    2) it would make my algorithm weaker than it could
    be when using really big int width (64,128, etc)
    3) I think that it is, in fact, a good security
    option to have a sort of plateform dependance !
    In fact, my package is designed first to use 32 bits
    integer variables. This would work fine on 32 bits
    computer as well as 64, 128 ,etc bits computer !
    It just won’t work the same on a 16 bits computer.
    (unless you can simulate a 32 bits variable)
    I am convinced this is a much better solution !

    06/05/2000: – Minor changes in bcrypt_add()

    05/05/2000: – Corrected an old bug in bcrypt_add, I was only adding
    a numbers to the password when I was in mode=2 which
    is the debugging mode… stupid bug !

    04/05/2000: – Worked on a new bcrypt_add() to work on 16,32,64 bits

    03/05/2000: – The new bcrypt_add() is still not working, I don’t know why!

    02/05/2000: – Carried on the “good” work from yesterday, I need to
    write a new bcrypt_add(), not only because I have
    screwed it up yesterday, but because it is not
    working with a multiple palteform system (16,32,64)

    01/05/2000: – Well…. I worked on the algorithm just after I came back
    from a night club. I may have done more damaged than good !
    drinking or programming you have to choose ! ;o)

    30/05/2000: – Changed the way I was calculating the biggest integer
    I now have a new variable in varinit:
    which will receive the maximum value for a 16 bits int
    The initialisation of this variable is done as usual
    with the binit()

    29/05/2000: – Corrected the bug in bcrypt_swapp() this was because when
    I was calculating the biggest int value I was not
    shifting the bits correctly when using 64 bits.
    – Even if the algorithm is now working on a 64 bits
    computer I realised that what you crypt/uncrypt is
    dependant of the length of the int you are using.
    This means if you crypt something on a 64 bits computer
    you can only uncrypt is on a 64 bits computer.
    If you crypt on a 32 bits computer, you can only uncrypt
    on a 32 or 64 bits computer, not on a 16 bits computer.
    This is due of the way I generate pseudo random
    number and the way I add them to an element of the
    This could be seen as a security features, and then a good
    point… but I want something “universal” !! which works
    on any machines (amiga, PC, sparc… palm pilot ! ;o)
    Argh ! I thought my algorithm was finished !!!!
    grrrr…. I need to work on it again !
    ok… let’s finished it !

    28/05/2000: – Located where the 64 bits bug is: bcrypt_swapp()

    27/05/2000: – Corrected minor bug in bfile()

    26/05/2000: – The algorithm still doesn’t when using int long long
    as the default int type (aka 64 bits)

    25/05/2000: – Tuning and commenting the algorithm

    24/04/2000: – Replaced fclose(BCRYPTLOG) by
    if (BCRYPTLOG != stderr) fclose(BCRYPTLOG);
    – Minor change in write_passwd()
    – bstream() is finished ! as my cryptography algorithm !!
    it was the last function to implement…
    I now just need to tune my algorithm !
    – Removed all %256 I was doing as I think it was useless
    – Problem in bstream because I was not using UNSIGNED char

    23/04/2000: – Discover a bug in bfile when using the memory method
    and the probability seed, I was using tmp_block_crypt
    instead of block_crypt when writing a block to a file.
    – Major bug corrected: for the last block in bfile,
    I wasn’t reseting the length_mem variable to
    length_mem = block_crypt/varinit->NB_BYTE
    I don’t really understand how this was working anyway !

    22/04/2000: – Problem with bfile when using memory and prob_seed
    – Discover a problem when doing an fclose(BCRYPTLOG)
    when BCRYPTLOG=stderr and you are using the stderr
    later in your program. I never done that before
    so I never discovered this obvious bug…
    I have to decide if in fact I never close the BCRYPTLOG
    of if I test if its equal to stderr

    21/04/2000: – Minor changes to bstream(), still doesn’t work !

    20/04/2000: – Problem with the bstream function:
    I was changing the pointer of the string sent in
    the parameters to point to a string local to the
    library and even if I was seting it as static
    it was not working. This was not a good solution anyway !

    19/04/2000: – First implementation of the bstream function
    – Corrected minor bugs in the way I was setting up the
    _ Tested on Linux and Solaris, every thing seems to work fine.
    There is still a problem on Sparc when I try to use 64 bits
    variables. I don’t think this is a big problem, I’ll
    work on it later.

    18/04/2000: – THAT’S IT !!!! EVERYTHING SEEMS TO WORK FINE !!!
    is this the light at the end of the tunnel ?!?
    I’ve worked like mad today ! I’ve changed the way I
    was handling the block_crypt, it is much simpler now,
    I have corrected few other bugs in the bfile function
    (due to the fact it was too complicated !)
    And I eventually finished the mem_seed function !!
    I have done some testing with custom block crypt AND
    block shuffle and everything seems to work fine !
    It’s so great to crypt something using the Hard-Disk
    method and decrypting it using the Memory method…
    Well, the great thing is that it … actually works !!
    And the fact I can customise the length of the blocks
    I use in different functions is, I think, a little
    revolution in cryptography !
    I don’t know any algorithm you can customise so
    much … in fact my algorithm is the first DYNAMIC
    Ok, calm down … it’s just working, that’s must be why :O)
    well, let’s get some sleep, at last !!!

    17/04/2000: – Corrected minor bugs in bfile, still working on the mem_seed
    function. I am thinking of changing the way I handle
    block_crypt in bfile as I do that in a really complicated
    way at the moment…

    16/04/2000: – That’s it ! it works now !!!! I found the last bug (hum…)
    when I use a probability seed and a shuffle. The problem was
    at the shuffle part when I was crypting a file, it was the
    part which was re-calculating the length_shuffle in bfile()
    This seems to work fine, I tried with different crypt’s block
    and even with custum shuffle block !
    I still need to convert this file_seed_prob to mem_seed_prob
    as this would speed up the crypting process if the user
    select the memory option.
    I guess I will find new bugs…
    Even if, at first, it seems a lot of hassle to do 2 similar
    functions but one using only the memory and the other file
    access, at least this allow me to find many bugs !

    – After looking on the net and on the news to find a way of
    reducing the length of a file without using a tempory file
    It just seems that’s impossible. I therefore need to keep
    using a tempory file. But before I delete it I fill this file
    with 0. Thanks to the people from comp.lang.c for their

    – I think I will have to start again to write comments in my
    source code as I’ve been adding so much stuff recently and I
    just can’t be bothered to document… it seems I’ve got
    more essential stuff to do first ! well… let’s finish
    the algo !!

    15/04/2000: – Changed the way I was handling the last block of a file in

    14/04/2000: – Fixed minor problem in the seed_prob()

    13/04/2000: – The seed_prob and shuffle works fine ! but doesn’t when I
    use a custom block_crypt. I am not happy in fact with
    the way I solved the seed_prob and shuffle problem
    as I am using a tempory file to fix the problem …
    The problem is that if I don’t use a tempory file it
    is much more complicated !!! I hate that !! why every
    thing that should be simple HAS to be really complicated !?
    Anyway, once this is done I’ll just have to convert the
    seed_prob to the memory method (as I am using the HD method
    now). After that the core engine of the library will be
    finished !! (ok, I would also like to add a stream crypt
    function, but it should be simple…hum! hum ! ;O)

    12/04/2000: – The bcrypt_file_seed_prob() works ! … well… almost !
    It works while crypting/uncrypting in power=1(seed_prob only)
    It even works when using custom block_crypt ! (that was the
    hard bit)
    But I still have a problem when I use the seed_prob AND
    the shuflle. I don’t think this is a really big problem…
    But it’s 3 Am and I am working tomorrow, so I’ll finish it
    another day !
    – Corrected a bug in bfile when I was initialising length_seed
    this would have caused a problem when I use custom block_crypt

    11/04/2000: – The new seed_prob function doesn’t work when using custom

    02/04/2000: – Started the first implementation of bcrypt_file_seed_prob()


    31/03/2000: – Fixed a problem while decrypting using shuffle and seed. Now
    everything should work fine !
    – New function: bcrypt_mem_unshuffle, done in 3 minutes…
    as it should be !!!!

    30/03/2000: – Fixed problem with bcrypt_mem_shuffle, this was due to the
    fact that at the end of a file, the algorithm was trying to
    access an element out of the file_mem array.
    – MAJOR ADD-ON, I now use the new pass_code generated in
    bcrypt_shuffle when I am crypting a new block. Initially
    I was always using the same pass_code for every block this
    was due to the fact that I first designed this algorithm
    without the block_crypt option in mind. Therefore it was a
    VERY good thing that I had the previous problem (mem_shuffle)
    as my testing to solve it made me discover this potential
    security issue. In other words:
    Before when crypting ->
    start crypt block
    generate password P1
    seed / shuffle the file using P1
    within these functions I generate more password
    Start crypt new block with P1 … AGAIN !!

    NEW method ->
    Same as above except that I use Px for every new block I
    – I start to wonder if I should write so much stuff in this
    history, nobody will ever read all this ! and I am sure that
    nobody will understand a word ! (I’m not even sure I will be
    able if I read this in a week). Maybe I should not do that
    at 3 AM … well I should maybe not do it at all !
    Who cares !
    I’m sure it will make me laught in few years time! ;o)

    29/03/2000: – You can now use block_crypt and block_shuffle with
    Bcrypt_shuffle. But there is still a problem with
    bcrypt_MEM_shuffle : buffer overflow when using very
    large block_crypt.

    28/03/2000: – Fixed problem when using block_crypt parameter, this was due
    to a bug in bfile and file_shuffle.
    – Problem when using block_crypt and mem_shuffle.

    27/03/2000: – Problem when using block_crypt and file_shuffle.

    24/03/2000: – New bcrypt_shuffle_mem function finished
    – the block shuffle parameter now has to be a multiple
    of varinit->NB_BYTE this is because it would be
    be too difficult/long to handle any block shuffle length
    while using the memory method.
    Indeed, if the varinit->NB_BYTE = 4 and the block_shuffle =21
    then to get the data from the file_mem we would need to
    to use binary shift. Maybe in the next version…

    22/03/2000: – Changed the bcrypt_shuffle_mem function

    21/03/2000: – Changed the bcrypt_shuffle_file function to use the new
    parameters: block_crypt and block_shuffle

    20/03/2000: – MAJOR changes in bcrypt_swap. At last I found the bug
    that was randomly make my cryptography library give the wrong
    result while decrypting. I was looking for this bug for over
    a month now !!! The problem was in bcrypt_swap, I was not
    initialising the tempa and tempb variables when I was
    doing a logical operation. Because I was however doing the
    initialisation when I was doing a swap this bug was function
    of the password used to crypt. If the password was such that
    first a “swap” was taking place then the variables were
    initialised correctly and no bug happened.
    Sometimes even if I was starting with a logical operation
    there was no problem because the tempa and tempb were equal
    to 0. But sometimes there were not. It’s why it was such a
    a difficult bug to find as it seemed to be random ! and
    never happened at the same time, same place. I first thought
    it was a memory allocation problem and I lost a lot of time
    tracking this. Well, at last I found the bug !
    – New bcrypt_mem_seed function
    – You can now specify a block length to crypt.
    – Now there are 5 crypt power available:
    0 = seed
    1 = probability seed
    2 = shuffle
    3 = seed + shuffle
    4 = probability seed + shuffle
    – Minor changes in most of the functions. This is the result
    of my “BIG BUGS” tracking (see above)

    15/03/2000: – MAJOR changes in bcrypt_file_seed
    – Minor changes in bcrypt_code
    – Minor changes in test_length function.
    I do a logical AND to generate new characters rather
    than a XOR

    14/03/2000: – Changed the bfile function, added 2 new parameters:
    block_crypt and block_shuffle
    You will now be able to specify if you want to crypt a file
    in once or crypt it block by block
    Needs to add new functions and change the seed and shuffle

    03/02/2000: – Implemented the “disk crypt method”. Does not work properly.
    Weird error which seems to happen in the file_seed()
    when I generate new password ! this cannot be …
    Must be a problem with a malloc or memory problem.

    02/02/2000: – First attempt to make the “disk crypt method” option works
    with the file_shuffle function.
    – Changes in bfile(), now I open file_code with the w+b flag

    31/01/2000: – Fixed the “2 bytes problem”. Now the last 2 blocks are
    crypted at the beginning of the “file shuffle”. The last
    2 blocks used to crypt a file’s block are now crypted
    as well.
    – The crypt/uncrypt file function is now working !!
    (only in memory mode for now)

    26/01/2000: – Fixed a problem in file_shuffle and file_unshuffle
    (= instead of == and length_tab-3 instead of length_tab-1)
    The new file shuffle almost work I just have a problem with 2
    bytes which are not uncrypted. I think it’s because the
    file_mem[] is bigger than the file’s length.

    25/01/2000: – The first version of the new file crypt algorithm is working!
    I just have a problem with the first 4 bytes when I uncrypt.
    – Fixed a “segmentation fault” problem in bcrypt_file_shuffle()

    24/01/2000: – The new way I do a malloc for file_mem[] solved the problem
    I had on Solaris 2.6 to crypt a file. But it seems there is
    a problem when I am using 64 bits variables, I am looking at
    it now.

    23/01/2000: – Started 2 new functions: file_shuffle and file_unshuffle

    22/01/2000: – I renamed bcrypt_write_file() to bcrypt_file_seed()
    The file_mem array is now initialised in bfile()
    This is because I am going to write another crypt file
    function which will also need the file_mem[]
    I have also changed the way I do a malloc for file_mem[]
    as I think it could have caused a problem.
    – Fixed a bug in the crypt file function

    20/01/2000: – The library works well on Linux but it has a weird behaviour
    on Solaris. I think I found out what was the problem. It was
    the new long_rand() function. I have fixed it and everything
    seems to work fine.

    18/01/2000: – Implemented the memory crypt option in bcrypt_write_file

    17/01/2000: – Changed the logs (more useful)
    – Changed the bcrypt_write_file function. Added a parameter :
    int memory. This is if you want the file to be crypted in
    memory rather than directly on the disk (slow).
    But you still have the choice in case the file you want to
    crypted is so big that you can’t load it all in the memory.

    16/01/2000: – Removed 2 variables from the varinit var which were not
    used anymore: NB_INDEX_DOUBLE and NB_CHAR_DOUBLE
    – Fixed minor bug in the bcrypt_add function
    – Added 2 new functions to generate a pseudo random number:
    lfsr() and long_rand(). Lfsr() is a Linear Feeback Shift

    09/01/2000: – Removed the library history from the library source
    and put it in a seprate file.
    – Minor changes in the write_file function.
    – Minor changes in the comparison function.
    – Changed the Read Key function to do not extract the random
    number only from the index 0 of the cipher password.
    – Changed the Code function. The circular shift on the random
    number depends now of the cipher password and not anymore
    of the clear password.
    the first random number is added to a position which depends
    of the password and not anymore at the index 0.
    – MAJOR CHANGE. Changed the swap function. Here are the changes:
    Start from left or the right of the bits string depends of the
    .I alternate SWAP and Logical Operation (LO)
    .The first operation (SWAP or LO) depends of the password
    .Each new cycle of operation has a different
    direction/operation from the previous one.
    .A cycle of operation is a succession of SWAP and LO on
    each bits of the password
    .There is now a “complexity” parameter, this set the
    number of series of cycle you want to do (default is 2)
    .With a complexity = 2 each bits will be SWAPPED and had a LO
    .Increasing the complexity may be more secure but it will
    take more time, the choice is yours !
    .Changed the way I handle “0”, when a “0” is found I replace
    it by mixing 2 characters from the cipher password.
    These characters are choosen pseudo-randomly
    – Changed the add function. Much more efficient even
    if it’s still a small part of my cryptography algorithm.
    Now I do a “circular shift” every time I add the number.
    – Changed the transcription function. I do not replace
    “0” character with the pattern of bit “010101….” anylonger.
    Indeed, this could have been a security hole with a
    cryptanalyse of the cipher text.

    08/01/2000: – Changed the test_length function, better way to generate new
    characters, now I mix two pseudo-random characters from the
    original “clear password”. I have fixed a bug in my
    “insertion” algorithm, in the last for loop “i” was set to 0
    when it should have been set to “xy”. This was removing some
    orginal character from the “clear password”.It is also
    a simpler algorithm.
    – Added a new verbose mode: mode = 2, this will give more
    debugging information
    – Minor change to improve speed
    – Added 2 “clean functions”: bclean_string and bclean_typeint
    this clean the password from the memory
    – After 2 months working on this new algorithm I start
    programming again… at last ! Everything is on paper !

    — V 2.0.0 —

    31/10/1999: – I have just changed the library version which was still set
    to 1.8.0

    26/07/1999 : – I have tested this library for weeks now, it should be
    stable. Therefore I start a new number version for this
    library: 2.0.0

    09/07/1999 : – Fixed minor error in read_password(). Now if there is
    the last user in the password file named toto and
    you try to logon as “t” then the function won’t be
    confused anymore as I now compare the lenght of the

    — V 1.8.0 —

    18/02/1998 : – Made some modification in the swap function.
    Now the bilateral swap is more powerful and faster !
    – Corrected some minor bugs.

    -– V 1.7.3 —-

    16/02/1998 : – Corrected minor bugs in binit() function
    – Added an option in binit() : mode = 2

    15/02/1998 : – Made some modifications to bfile, added a parameter.
    Now everything seems to work fine on Windows95, even
    even with very large KEY.
    – Cleaned the source code.
    – Removed some useless log
    – Corrected minor error in bkey_generator function.

    14/02/1998 : – Made some modifications to several functions to make them
    work with Windows95 :
    binit(), bkey_generator(), bhide()

    13/02/1998 : – Fixed a problem with Windows95 : you can not send in parameter
    a string > 255 characters to a DLL !

    — V 1.7.2 —

    12/02/1998 : – Added the fflush() function after any fprintf
    – I added a parameter to binit() : int mode
    mode = 0 -> stderr
    mode = 1 -> file
    – I can now generate some log with Windows95
    – Fixed minor bugs

    11/02/1998 : – Fixed a BIG bug in test_length function :
    Sometimes, with bkey_generator function I could have a
    very small input text, 0 or 2 characters …
    Because I sometimes had ‘/0′ in the string.
    Now I have one more parameter the external functions :
    int length, which is the length of the clear password sent
    in parameter.
    Thanks to that, your cipher password can contain ‘/0′

    — V 1.7.1 —

    07/02/1998 : – Cleaned the source code
    – Changed the write hide algorithm to make it compatible
    with Windows 95 DLL.
    – Added a new global variable : LIB_VERSION

    — V 1.7.0 —

    03/02/1998 : – Added bpow function, a power function

    29/01/1998 : – Small modification for compibility with Borland C++
    Builder on Windows95

    28/01/1998 : – Added the backup file in write_hide function

    27/01/1998 : – Fixed some bugs in bkey_generator function
    – Added a Check for 0 value in swap and code functions
    – Added write_key_file and read_key_file functions
    – Added write_hide and read_hide functions
    – Added delete_passwd function

    26/01/1998 : – Added the bkey_generator function, use it to generate long
    key. (key = clear text that will be use to do a passwd)
    You can initialise the key generation with a random
    number or with 8 characters.

    — V 1.6.3 —

    20/01/1998 : – Fixed a bug in the bcrypt write function, when I had to
    write at the end of a file some data, which the length was
    inferior to varinit->NB_CHAR.

    19/01/1998 : – Problem with a variable global : USER_LENGTH, I added it to
    varinit, I had some problem with this variable and with
    – Problem in write_passwd function, variable utilisation (pos)

    17/01/1998 : – Minor problem in test passwd function, I used a type,
    and I had a problem with that on Windows95, hum, hum …

    - V 1.6.2 —

    16/01/1998 : – Resolved a bug in the probability crypt function
    Problem with an array’s border :
    j = 0 when it was suppose to be j = 1

    15/01/1998 : – Minor changes to make my library works on a Silicon Graphics

    14/01/1998 : – Resolved the problem with bpass parameter : passwd
    when I wanted to use my DLL on Windows 95
    (who said windows95 = error ??? ;o)
    Now, I do not have a TYPE_INT type anymore,
    So it is the program that call this library that
    has to reserve memory for the passwd variable (malloc)
    Maybe a bit less easy to use, but more compatible …

    13/01/1998 : – Added Windows 95 DLL’s compatibility
    with #if defined(__WIN32__)
    – I also removed my global variables because it was a problem
    when I tried to use my library on Windows95
    so I have now a pointer in parameter of each function :
    varinit, and a new type : globalvar

    12/01/1998 : – write_passd and read_passwd functions:
    windows 95 problem’s compatibility with typedef => resolved

    11/01/1998 : – Bugs corrections in bfile and bcrypt_write_file_prob
    Problem of aray initialisation and variable init :
    pass_key and code_key
    – Removed all extra functions (bcrypt_vol,etc)
    – Started to do an HISTORY